20 August 2007

The countdown

So much has happened since I last wrote here. It's now just 15 days until we leave Melbourne! Martin will be submitting his bound thesis this week, and it's now 7 weeks since I submitted mine for examination. I've got a postdoc lined up at the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) working with Annette Oxenius. Martin's circumnavigated the country in his trusty Pajero (with me on board for a couple of weeks through the Kimberley) and now it's all about packing and saying goodbye. Until a few days ago, I was chugging along concentrating on all the things we have to do, but now I'm starting to realise that saying goodbye to Melbourne and all the people here that I know and love is going to be really hard. Two years is a long time to be away - so much will change in that time. It will be very exciting though! I can't wait to be in the middle of europe, hearing different sounds, smelling different scents, watching different views and meeting new people.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Dear Miranda, Europe cant´t wait to welcome you, mainly two "new people" with a dog! For us it´s a countdown too. Hope you will be happy here.